HEX Foundation was created with the aim of becoming a forum for studying social and cultural issues in Indonesia, both in the exploration of works of art, as well as in academic texts that can offer the values of cultural discourse in Indonesia, and even the world. The Hoppla Extended Asia Foundation is one way to see the potential of youth or new generations in developing internet technology-based art in Indonesia and Asia, as well as being a medium for distributing internet technology-based art knowledge.
Two of our main platforms are; Hoppla – A hub for experimentation, convergence, and knowledge exchange within the evolution of net-art and expanded media, and Extended Asia – An online terminal for visual and sound artists, also connoisseurs as well as art lovers to extend collaborative cross-genre audio-visual media. Each platform has its own color; Hoppla with the red, Ext.Asi with the green, and HEX with the blue. Thus the RGB colors are formed, which we usually see on digital screens every day.
Hub for experimentation, convergence, and knowledge exchange within the evolution of net-art and expanded media. Hoppla critically investigates and playfully explores the technological advancement transforming contemporary art practices and society in a global context, from internet culture, protocol wars, data, software, and its social use-values.
Hoppla aims to create space that fosters innovative approaches and sustained collaborations in exhibiting, publishing, archiving, thinking, and tinkering by blurring the boundaries of arts-sciences-technologies.
hoppla.id inputExtended Asia
Is an online terminal for visual and sound artists, also connoisseurs as well as art lovers to extend collaborative cross-genre audio-visual media. A channel that was formed to provide education, inspiration, and innovation, of digital cultural infrastructure in Asia, especially in Indonesia. Run independently, based on the spirit of art and culture. Formed by four people and worked remotely via an internet connection.
Extended Asia select and makes the digital space an alternative space for art meetings, practice the art method, between artists, arts professionals, and cultural producers at all stage development, with a focus on audio and visual medium.
extended.asia input